A few photos from the day of and day after the occultation. The day of the occultation started off windy, which did not bode well, with clouds coming and going. A couple of hours after sunset, the wind died down, and then a little later the clouds left, leaving us with very nice observing weather for the duration of the occultation.
An early glimpse of the telescope domes
on Mt. John. This is the view
from part way up the access road
looking to the south.
From the summit of Mt. John, looking down to
the south at the 1-meter Mc.Lellan
telescope and support building.
The Astro Cafe up on the summit of
Mt. John serves up thematically
appropriate drinks, which we sampled
on the afternoon before the occultation.
Looking down from Mt John to the town
of Tekapo, which is on the south end of Lake Tekapo.
The Optical Craftsmen telescope dome. |
Me, standing with the
Optical Craftsmen
telescope and the near IR camera
(blue box on the end of the
Jupiter and Venus are
visible over the MOA
telescope dome at sunset on
the night of the occultation.
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